Sunday, October 17, 2010

She knows WHAT?

So, babybee  apparently knows the entire alphabet! I'm not sure when that happened. DaddyBee bought her a leap frog pen and some books, so she has been quite occupied with those since Friday! I always sing it to her, and we play letter games with her books all of the time too.

I am however, very sick of the "rubber duck" song from sesame street!!!! I've had to hear it at least 2 dozen times this weekend:( I found myself humming it earlier, which is really NOT cool.

1 comment:

  1. I had no idea you figured out how to post pics to your blog (I always read it through Google Reader and the pics have never showed up) so YAY!

    And hasn't she known the alphabet for a while already? Or was that letter recognition, not the actual singing of??

    Mickey could sing it really early (I've always used it as our hand-washing song), but still hasn't conquered the recognition part!
