Friday, June 11, 2010

So much to do, so little free time!

I didn't realize how little time I have to myself until today:( I really wanted to start a nifty little craft project and Babybee wasn't having any of it! It's great that she is soooooo cute..... Otherwise, the first gypsy to make a reasonable offer just might get the little bugger;) Hahahaha! NEVER:) I would like to note that the terrible twos must have more to do with a child's size 2, bc ever since fully changing the wardrobe to 24 month and up, my darling 16 month old has been a terror!! And to top it off, she is going through a growth spurt. She is sleeping an average of 13 hours a day, and eating about twice the amount she normally requires. Then, due to the fully charged batteries, she runs amok and gets into EVERYTHING she can get her hands on. The latest obsession is feet... mostly kissing mine..... yuck, yuck yuck! Those who know me, know that there are two things I find gross about the human anatomy: feet and belly-buttons. Like I said, it's good she's so cute:)

DaddyBee is at a friend's right now. Not sure if more bs'n is going on or more work on the Jeeps. Hopefully a solid effort to keep things even in those two departments:)

Work sucks more now than ever before. I never quite know what I'll be doing for the day. The supervisor's couldn't schedual their ways out of a clear maze! And to top it all off, I somehow got squished under the plant manager's thumb for doing what I was asked, and to be sure that I have the right PPE for my job. But no, there are procedures for a reason, I was warned. I should not stray from said procedures because, and I quote, "I'm the only one here with an engineering degree, so I know". Oh, I'm sorry, just give me a minute to find that hero cookie for you sir.... Ah there it is, right between your cheeks where I left it! Really, I was going by the MSDS, not opinion, so I am going to say that common sense trumps the degree, and look sir, my intelligence didn't cost a fortune and I don't need to have some piece of paper on my wall for people to know I am smart:) Gonna quit soon. I have a few resumes out.

Off to bed now. Before I forget, Babybee now says diaper, baby, buckle, button and babbles non-stop:)

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