Friday, April 30, 2010

Babybee's allergic reaction

I can't believe I forgot to post about Babybee having a latent reaction to the penicillin!! I had already stopped dosing, when I realized she had no more symptoms of an ear infection, and she had been off of it for 2 whole days, when she developed a rash and fever. I thought she was reacting to pineapple, which is new to her (she hated it when I gave it to her around 11 months). I decided after 2 days of fevers that I would take her to the walk in clinic to be sure that she didn't have meningitis (common after infections and such). The doctor (who I thought was Ben Stiller at first; he really, really looked like him) said it was likely the penicillin and that sometimes the reaction takes several days to occur. Hmmmmmmm..... odd that she has an allergy to it considering I took it for almost 4 years straight as a kid/young teen. No record of it in my family either:S Anyways, all is well now and she is doing great, just teething again.

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