Friday, April 30, 2010

Babybee's allergic reaction

I can't believe I forgot to post about Babybee having a latent reaction to the penicillin!! I had already stopped dosing, when I realized she had no more symptoms of an ear infection, and she had been off of it for 2 whole days, when she developed a rash and fever. I thought she was reacting to pineapple, which is new to her (she hated it when I gave it to her around 11 months). I decided after 2 days of fevers that I would take her to the walk in clinic to be sure that she didn't have meningitis (common after infections and such). The doctor (who I thought was Ben Stiller at first; he really, really looked like him) said it was likely the penicillin and that sometimes the reaction takes several days to occur. Hmmmmmmm..... odd that she has an allergy to it considering I took it for almost 4 years straight as a kid/young teen. No record of it in my family either:S Anyways, all is well now and she is doing great, just teething again.

The work week!

So, I did in fact do fabulous at work this week. And the machines haven't been so clean in over a year! They cannot tell me that the operator cannot find time to clean them. I mean, we are talking about equipment that is worth several hundred thousands of dollars. At the VERY least the moving parts should be cleaned and lubricated every week (though I did so every day). I did have to do things in small increments because you cannot do everything at once because the valves and cylinders would go into overdrive (best word I could think of right now), and that would cause other issues.

It was certainly the first time I have been happy since returning in December. I am not looking forward to going back to powder prep, but hopefully now that I have more than proven myself, and proven that fact that I know the machines inside out and backwards with my eyes closed, they will realize they need to give me my job back. I haven't run the machines in almost 1 1/2 years, and the only hiccup was getting the computers up and running on the first morning. Otherwise, all the change-overs went smoothly and I had no issues with the new daily order system.

On a great note, I got 3 hours of OT too! I am going to use the extra cash to treat myself to a full hour massage just before my vacation on the May long:)

Monday, April 19, 2010

The day today!

So, all in all it wasn't too bad. Was a bit bored at work, but managed to keep myself busy enough that no hair pulling was required. We'll have to see about tomorrow;) Turns out that they want me to run some machines next week while the other operator is on holidays. The same job which they unjustly yanked from me because I was on mat leave and they did not think it fair to move the incompetent person who was only supposed to take over until I got back!!! No, not fair, and yes quite illegal, but I was too tired to argue. Not to mention, family comes first and that includes bringing home the bacon regardless of being treated improperly. Sooooo, I am going to prove just how big a mistake they made by running circles around said workers average numbers and quality:)

Baby is doing well. Still grumpy mind you, but she has moments of joy while playing. The poor girl's other ear still hasn't drained:( If it isn't better in 2 days, I will get some ear drops for her. No side effects from the penicillin either. Boy is she cute:) Daddy got a video of her "sweeping" the kitchen floor today. It was great, and made me realize that I need to clear the kitchen counters a bit more. (she almost knocked a few things down)

I am hoping to get some crafty stuff done this weekend, though I don't have high hopes on that. I was supposed to have 8 hours to myself on the weekend, but as usual, I got hosed on that. (while daddybee got to do 27 holes of golf, and visit his buddy's). Hmmmm, something is wrong with this picture. Pretty soon, babybee will be a bit more capable of entertaining herself. Bubbles on the patio should be a big hit while I craft at the kitchen table:) Need to get the garden planted too. It's really important to me to teach baby early, that growing food is fun and healthy!

Guess I should go put the rest of the laundry in the dryer, finish the dishes, pack babybee's daycare bag and get her refridgerated stuff ready for tomorrow. Then to bed early for me. DaddyBee stayed home with the little monkey today to be on the safe side (in case of a fever) and went to work late this afternoon. Should be home around 11pm, but I hope I am sound asleep by then! Fingers crossed on that one.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

YAY~~~ and not so yay:(

Claire created a new blog for us, to show off our crafts and sell them! Finally, because they are stockpiling and the hubby's are not too happy about it (at least they shouldn't be:)). Hopefully this works right...

And now the bad news. Babybee has her first ear infection. I say first because given my history, it is bound to be a repeat offender! She spiked a fever in minutes and when I got home from work yesterday I knew exactly what was going on. So I quickly showered (started with a bath for Babybee and I) then DaddyBee called the doctor, who wasn't in bc she was delivering a baby, so off to the walk-in. The doctor on hand.... the one who gave us the good news 2 years ago that we would be parents!!:) He is sooooo great! So Babybee is on amoxil and tylenol and advil:( No side effects so far. I hope for a quick recovery for the little bee.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Painting easter eggs!!

Yup, like I said, we painted easter eggs. I wasn't sure if Babybee would understand, but she took to it like nothing:) She made a beautiful multi-scribbled egg that will be breakfast tomorrow morning. I hope to get some pictures up very soon. This blog needs photos, desperately!